Stop hanging around cluck clucks!

An overcast day in the steel city I sit on my balcony listening to one of my podcasts when this blustery wind of memories swirled around my head like a tornado. I tried to push them away because I really did not want to remember that point in time of my life. Yes, I had fun. Yes it was exciting but it was two years that I wasted hanging around chickens. Chickens you say?

In a metaphorical comparison, chickens and goats represent quite contrasting characteristics and roles, often highlighting a range of behaviors and traits that can be interpreted as either derogatory or remarkable, depending on the context.

Chickens are often seen as symbols of cowardice and mindlessness. They are depicted as skittish and easily frightened, prone to panicking over minor disturbances. This portrays a kind of thoughtless hysteria or lack of individual courage. Chickens also live in flocks, suggesting a tendency to follow the crowd without individual discernment, embodying conformity and lack of personal initiative.

Goats, on the other hand, are typically seen as stubborn and independent. Unlike chickens, goats are often admired for their ability to navigate difficult terrain and for their curious, adventurous nature. They can also be seen as defiant or unwilling to follow the herd, illustrating a strong sense of individualism and resilience. Metaphorically, goats can embody an unruly or untamable spirit, sometimes seen as a disruptive force compared to the compliant and predictable nature of chickens.

Thus, the juxtaposition of chickens and goats in a metaphorical sense contrasts conformist and panicky behaviors (chickens) with rebelliousness and rugged individualism (goats). As I was trying to push those memories out of my way so I could see they wouldn’t budge.

The realization hit hard; those memories were relentless for a reason. They were reminders that I am a goat, not a chicken. Further amplifying this revelation, I remembered I’m a Capricorn—born a goat, destined not to follow but to lead, to stand steadfast against the wind. Once I accepted my past and stopped trying to mingle with chickens, I began to truly embrace my inherent nature.

This embrace wasn’t just about acknowledging my zodiac sign or rejecting past follies; it was about discovering the core of my being. I realized my greatness, my resilience, my stubbornness, and my uniquely individual mind. Every memory that stormed around me, refusing to be pushed away, served as a stark reminder of who I was meant to be. I was not meant to blend in with the flock but to chart my own rugged path, to forge ahead with determination and a fierce spirit.

Embracing my goat nature transformed everything. It wasn’t just about finding a new crowd; it was about finding myself. I began to see opportunities where I once saw obstacles, paths where there were once barriers. I started making moves that mattered, impacting not just my life but also those around me who were inspired by my journey from conformity to authenticity.

My transformation teaches a powerful lesson: True strength and fulfillment come from embracing who you truly are and living that truth boldly and unapologetically. It’s not about the crowd you follow; it’s about the path you create for yourself and others to be inspired by. For those still caught in the storm of their own doubts, remember:

“Don’t tell me the sky’s the limit when there are footprints on the moon.”

So, let’s stop hanging with chickens and start soaring with the stars, embracing our inner goats to climb the mountains of our dreams.

Repeat after me I don’t hang around chickens only goats!




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